Feng Shui + Energy Clearing + Life Design
Overview of the Work

Overview of the Work
Feng Shui literally means wind and water. It is sometimes described as the energy of flow and containment. The practice of Feng Shui evolved from the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism which explains the universe and humankind’s place in it. The Tao describes a proper path in life. Yin/Yang, 5 elements, I-Ching, the bagua, Feng Shui, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, face reading, Tai-Chi, Qigong…have all sprung from the same roots.
Good designers and architects practice good Feng Shui, even if they are not aware of it. The basic principles are similar and the early masters were excellent at eco-sustainable design. It’s not a new concept! They understood how to create dwellings that fostered well-being by working with nature not against it.
Just as we use a topographical map to understand the influences of the landscape on a building, the physical features on your face serve as a blueprint for your life. Figuring out your authentic nature is literally as plain as the nose on your face! Your inner blueprint is recognizable and useful to discover your strengths and understand your challenges. A Chinese Face Reading is like doing Feng Shui for the person!
There are deeper layers of imbalance within us and in our environment which are intangible, therefore overlooked. Emotions from former occupants leave an energetic imprint which may be affecting you. The earth under a building may have strong energy that can affect you. The effects of wi-fi, dirty electricity or EMF’s may be contributing to your health issues.
It is possible to locate and mitigate these intangible stressors in the environment with an energetic space clearing. Releasing the blocked energy creates balance in surprising and refreshing ways.
Your personal energy gets clogged and blocked too. Perhaps you are carrying around old family beliefs that are hard to shake, or you are chronically ill. Major life transitions and stress about relationships, career and money keep you from thriving. Personal Energy Clearing, based on the 5 elements of Chinese medicine, is an effective way of addressing these imbalances and helping you to release what is blocking you so your life can flow with ease.
Have you ever come to a point in life where you sit back and say ‘This is not what I signed up for! How did I ever get here?’ The busyness of life in today’s fast-moving culture hardly gives us a moment to breathe, let alone reflect on the purpose of your life. Yet, that niggling desire for change won’t leave you alone.
There is a way to navigate toward a new way of being and keep you on course with a structure that can be applied to every desire you have and every decision you make. It will be useful for the rest of your life. This is a holistic approach which takes you beyond a single issue, like wanting a new job. In designing a life you love, you cannot neglect one of these areas at the expense of another. Health/Well-being, Love/Relationships, Purpose/Vocation, and Time/Financial Freedom are the major areas that we will explore.
Combining this Life Design method and integrating what we’ve learned about your inner blueprint is a game changer. Recognizing your true strengths and passions and bringing your energy into balance can speed up the process of letting go of old limiting beliefs. You will soon be able to say ‘I love my life!’