lorri hart : Consultant + Coach + Designer

Hello friends!

I’m Lorri Hart. My long-time dream has been to live in the beautiful wine country of Napa, California. I feel blessed to have arrived.

I’ve always been in tune with nature and architecture, and fascinated by what it is that creates a sense of place. The unique signature of different cultures, cities, homes and gardens is great fun for me to experience. I’m keenly aware of how environments influence the people who live there, as well as how we humans leave our imprint on every space we occupy.



I approach life as an optimist, with gratitude and joy. I love working with people and gardens, and I make it a priority to really understand what someone is trying to create and what their life is like before I attempt to offer advice.

When working together, I will be drawing from my diverse base of knowledge in landscape design, architecture, biophilic design, Feng Shui, energy clearing, and transformational personal development. My guiding question is “What would you love?”



Lorri definitely pulled in her wisdom from various disciplines and experiences to provide a holistic service.

/  Kay, San Francisco Bay Area, CA /




During the course of my career, I’ve remodeled several homes and designed many gardens in the Pacific NW while raising my family. My landscape design practice is creatively fulfilling, but when a friend suggested a classical Feng Shui training, I began a journey of understanding a much deeper context for how humans thrive. I studied for two years with many internationally known masters at Golden Gate School of Feng Shui in San Francisco.

I was led to another layer of discovery with the same principles of ancient wisdom I had incorporated with my design and Feng Shui work. When I first learned of Jean Haner, and the unusual practice of Chinese Face Reading, it blew my mind! I couldn’t get enough. I’ve continued studying with her since 2008 and became a certified practitioner of energy clearing.

Spirituality is a big part of my life, and the person most influential in revealing a path for my own conscious evolution is Mary Morrissey. She has been a part of my life since 1995. I’ve taken a deep dive with Mary at many of her trainings. Her development of the Dream Builder visioning system has been life changing for me.



I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Lorri and found it so helpful to have three weekly clearings. I felt supported and was left with a sense of peace and ease during a stressful time.

/  Karen, Seattle, WA  /


Experience & education

I’ve worked in Retail Store Planning, sailed halfway around the world on a small boat, had my own landscape design business for 25 years, and raised two wonderful young adults. Besides my formal education, I’ve participated in many trainings and certification programs that inform my work and who I am today.

Jean Haner’s Clear Home Clear Heart
Certified Practitioner

International Feng Shui Guild
Red Ribbon Member
since 2012


Golden Gate School of Feng Shui
Graduate class

Golden Gate School of Feng Shui
Class Assistant

Portland Community College
Landscape Design & Horticulture

University of Minnesota
BA in Fine Arts & Political Science



Feeling unsure? Let’s chat! Schedule a complimentary 10-minute phone call to discuss the services that may be right for you!