clear the way Services
There is a blossoming recognition in our culture that everything is connected, and everything is energy. Even Einstein said so! Quantum physics, entanglement, epigenetics, biophilia hypothesis, the Butterfly Effect. Every discipline seems to be engaged in new discoveries about this emerging science. If we make one change here, there is an effect over there.
Just as an acupuncturist may place needles in your ear to affect your out of balance liver, the same principle can be applied to your personal energy and your environment. Feng Shui can be likened to acupuncture for the space, and personal energy clearing can be considered acupuncture for the soul.
With this holistic view in mind, I’ve structured my services as packages. I encourage you to consider taking a deep dive with me as your coach and chief hand-holder! But you may also start with just a single service. I’ve grouped the services into the following three main categories: